
Bring a ray of hope into a Child's life and create a lasting impact





Sponsor a Child today, and give them a brighter Future

Having access to education profoundly impacts child, their family, and their future by providing hope and opportunities.  £18 per month  will make a difference.

£8000 80%
Our present project
We are raising funds to install a solar power water pump system on SONshine Farm
About Us

What's different about our Sponsorship program?

At home, we are all volunteers, so 100% of your donations go to the work of the charity.  We use the gift aid and additional fund raising for running costs and salaries in Kenya.

During the year each child receives:

  • A new school uniform and a pair of leather shoes annually, without which, they can’t attend school.
  • A  female goat and training on how to rear healthy goats, which has proven to be the best sustainability component of the program.
  • They are enrolled on a health care scheme giving the family access to medical treatment at local clinics and hospitals.
  •  The child will also receive: Solar lamps, Mattresses, Mosquitos Nets, Water filters, Water Tanks or food packages depending on the need.

The Sponsor receives:

  • An initial profile of the child, detailing their family circumstances
  • 2/3 updates per year.
  • The opportunity to send letters
  • The satisfaction that they are delivering a brighter future not only to the child, but to the whole family.
£ 0

Will provide a water filter and a clean bucket, so a family can enjoy safe, clean water

£ 0

Will provide a female goat, potentially offering nutrient-rich milk to nourish a family

0 %

100% of your donation goes to the work of SONshine Club Kenya project

Support SONshine
Child Sponsorship

Delivering a Brighter Future

Goat Distribution
Our Goat Program

Our goat rearing program enables our sponsored children to learn how to care for the goats and generate an income.

water purifier (1)
Water Filters
Water Filters

These Sawyer Water filters provide clean, safe water for drinking improving the health of the children and their families

Good News Stories
Inspirational Stories

Find out how Sponsorship makes a difference, not only to the child, but their whole family and even the community.

About us

Our history

The SONshine Club started in August 2000 at the Church of God at Glenmachan, as a week long Bible club with an action packed programme for the children in primary School.  In 2005 we emphasised the need to show love and concern for other children who were less fortunate than themselves.  The children were encouraged to bring pencils, pens, erasers, sharpeners and other stationery to send to the children in Kenya.  We had been given the names of a few schools in Kenya desperately needing this equipment.

The response from the children was phenomenal!  In February 2006, as we started to package it up for transport to Kenya, someone made a glib comment that it would be lovely if we could go and actually distribute the gifts to the children in Kenya.  We would then see at first hand the needs and poverty and would have a better idea what was needed for future schemes.  A few weeks later three females were sitting on a plane bound for Kenya.  Rather naively we thought we would go, distribute the stationery, clothes etc, take a few pictures to show the kids back home and that would be the end of it!  And so it began……..

Our Vision

To assist in the relief of poverty, the furtherance of education and the provision of healthcare and clean safe water, amongst the children in the region of Tharaka, Kenya.  Helping those children in great need to thrive and to help them become self sustained, giving them a hope and a Brighter Future.

Our Friends

SCKP now works closely with ASSIST from Denmark www.assist-denmark.dk, a charity with a similar vision, mission and Christian ethos and together we work under an umbrella Kenyan registered charity WHY United Foundation(Where Hope Yields) www.whyunited.org.  Mugo is project manager and he has a very capable assistant, Carol our secretary/field worker.

Child Sponsorship - Delivering a Brighter Future

Make a difference to a child's life today!