Child Sponsorship - Delivering a Brighter Future
Our Goat Programme
To help families become self -sustained, we give a female Galla goat to each household. This has been done repeatedly since the inception of the program. The Galla goats are hardy goats suitable for the arid, dry conditions. They produce relatively higher amounts of milk compared to other goats and can breed twice a year – twins are very common. This project benefits the sponsored child, their family and the whole community.
- families drink tea with goats milk, and this has health benefits. They often sell milk to their neighbours and local schools, and this increases the family’s income
- Sell some goats to buy higher value domestic animals: donkeys to fetch water, cows for milk and bulls for ploughing
- Use the manure to fertilise the soil, which helps families in growing their own vegetables
- Sell some goats to pay for school fees for the sponsored child, and their siblings.; this has kept more children in school. Many families have been able to pay for their children through college and even university.
- Sell goats to build improved housing.
- Sell goats to purchase land.